Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I've started this blog as I'm beginning to feel a little isolated with our decision to public school our children. In so many Christian circles these days, home schooling or private schools have become the norm and very few parents have chosen to send their kids to the public system.

This is not a decision that my husband and I took lightly. We spent many nights thinking and praying about our decision and came to the conclusion that this was the right choice for our family right now. We take this day by day, week by week and will reevaluate if and when necessary.

There are few people even in our church who have chosen the public schools and because of this we have no support system when issues come up in the day to day dealings with the schools. We want a sounding board, accountability, and mostly a safe place, judgment free where we can discuss concerns with the system.

I hope this blog will help others feel that they are not alone in their decision.



Susanna Rose said...

Rick and I are probably going to home school or you know, try it out anyways so if you want someone to write with over these matters, and someone coming from perhaps a bit of a "opposing" view point (in a loving fashion;), I'm game to write some stuff. Sure my writing would have to come more from theory than practice but anyhow, just wanted to put that out there! If your at all interested in doing this site still, let me know!:)

Susanna Rose said...

And at the same time we're open-minded towards public schooling of course so that would fit into play as well:) bla, bla, bla I'll go now!